Podologia Jordi Serrats

Let's talk

We'll help you find your path towards better health and quality of life. Get in contact with us and let us know what we can help you with:

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At any time you can exercise the right of access, rectification, portability and opposition, or if applicable, the limitation and/or cancellation of the processing, providing it in writing, indicating your personal data to C/ CALABRIA, 55 08530, LA GARRIGA or via email to jordiserratscarner@gmail.com.


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Contact information:

Phone number:
+34 938 60 55 94


Calle Banys 132, 08530 La Garriga, Barcelona

Business hours:
Mon–Thu from 9:00am to 12:30pm and
3:30pm to 7:30pm
Fri from 9:00am to 2:00pm

Emergency hours:
Mon–Thu from 2:30pm to 3:30pm

Physical activity

Both in a specialized and in a non-specialized manner, physical activity is a passport towards bettering your mental and physical health, which is why it can help prevent and treat physical ailments of a wide typology.

Jordi Serrats - Activitat física


We analyze individual stress patterns in order to combat and manage them, helping you find mental stability and balance, thus achieving an improvement in your day-to-day life.

Jordi Serrats - Estrès


Low performance, anxiety, emotional instability, weakness of the immune system… the lack of a healthy and adequate rest derives into collateral problems that put our wellness at risk, which is why we stress the importance of maintaining good sleeping habits.

Jordi Serrats - Descans

Food and nutrition

Food has a vital part in physical and mental wellness, which is why we aim for a customized improvement of your diet and eating habits which will derive in illness prevention and improvement of your quality of life.

Jordi Serrats - Alimentació i nutrició
Medicina integrativa Jordi Serrats
Discover how we can help you through integrative medicine ↑

Integrative medicine

Integrative medicine offers this global perspective both at a diagnostic level, since it seeks the origin of pathology from a wide approach, and at a treatment level, since it contemplates a hybrid and complementary operation between natural and conventional medicine.

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