Podologia Jordi Serrats

Let's talk

We'll help you find your path towards better health and quality of life. Get in contact with us and let us know what we can help you with:

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At any time you can exercise the right of access, rectification, portability and opposition, or if applicable, the limitation and/or cancellation of the processing, providing it in writing, indicating your personal data to C/ CALABRIA, 55 08530, LA GARRIGA or via email to jordiserratscarner@gmail.com.


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Contact information:

Phone number:
+34 938 60 55 94


Calle Banys 132, 08530 La Garriga, Barcelona

Business hours:
Mon–Thu from 9:00am to 12:30pm and
3:30pm to 7:30pm
Fri from 9:00am to 2:00pm

Emergency hours:
Mon–Thu from 2:30pm to 3:30pm

Foot hygiene

We maintain and take care of your feet’s hygiene in order to keep them healthy and prevent future issues derived from the hygiene itself or other factors.

Jordi Serrats - Higiene del peu

Orthopedic podiatry

With the products with the best design, manufacture and design for your orthopedic treatments, we tend to each case individually in order to achieve a healthier and more comfortable step (foot insoles, silicone prosthesis, partial foot prosthesis…).

Jordi Serrats - Podologia ortopèdica

Surgical podiatry

In order to repair and improve your step, surgical intervention allows the recovery from those dysfunctions that distort our dynamic and cause pain. We also offer the possibility of applying further orthopedic treatments in particular occasions.

Jordi Serrats - Podologia quirúrgica

Sport podiatry

We analyze, evaluate and treat injuries and pathologies of the feet with athletic origin in order to achieve an effective, optimum and injury free performance.

Jordi Serrats - Podologia esportiva
Podologia Jordi Serrats
Discover our podiatry services ↑


We offer a wide variety of services related to podiatry. From preventive control, where we seek to get ahead of future problems in your feet in order to foresee the best path towards an efficient cure, to surgical treatments, which have the purpose of allowing the recovery of dysfunctions that distort our health.

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